
Wary Fighter
Attacking does no damage, but doing it long enough can get the player eaten in one of three ways. Struggling will damage the enemy. Getting the health low enough triggers a quick action scene, that if failed will get the player eaten. An endo scene can be triggered this way.
DownloadCreated by TheProphosized
Always vore
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types