
Waits for you to get close, then eats you. A full tour exit is possible at this point. If you're the right distance away it will crash down on you instead before eating you. This traps you indefinitely as of now. Some sound samples seem to be still missing.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Belly flop, Grab
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- ✔️ Enemy is friendly towards the player, meaning it will not attack. It may still attack if you attack first
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types