![Screenshot of Therizinosaurus](/Image/Get/enemy_7.png)
Walks in one direction and tries to eat you. Getting close from behind triggers AV. Petting in the right location will put you in a cage he makes with his claws. If you fail to get out you will be eaten. He turns around if he gets too far away. Once eaten you can try to make the different cards light up in the top right ba various means of struggling. You don't get anything though if you manage to do that.
DownloadCreated by ImaginaryZ
Bite, Sit
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ✔️ Petting the enemy has custom scenes
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ✔️ Enemy has AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types