
The latest iteration of the *ftr style games. As such it contains more refined looking and behaving enemies.
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23 Enemies in our database

Summer Dragon
Flies above the player and tries to get you inside this way. Being inside is a series of quick action minigames
DownloadCreated by LongLevy
Butt pounce
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ❌ No OV
- ✔️ Enemy has AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Tries to get you willingly inside. If you're too far away it will tease you to come closer, and when close will snap at you. You can roll into the jaws too. Oral exit is the only way out, or wait until your HP is depleted at which point you will be spat out.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Stomp, Jump, Bite
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types
Some Bird

A Bird of Sorts
Will wait patiently for you to feed yourself to it. Has a few animation glitches
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Special enemy. You start in an already caught state where you can use one of two arrow key options to decide where to go. Neither path is complete, so you're stuck regardless of which one you select.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Always starts out resting on its back with you on top if its belly. Waits for you to practically feed you to it. It doesn't looks like you can escape at the moment.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- ✔️ Enemy is friendly towards the player, meaning it will not attack. It may still attack if you attack first
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Waits for you to get close, then eats you. A full tour exit is possible at this point. If you're the right distance away it will crash down on you instead before eating you. This traps you indefinitely as of now. Some sound samples seem to be still missing.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Belly flop, Grab
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- ✔️ Enemy is friendly towards the player, meaning it will not attack. It may still attack if you attack first
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types
Paladin Elroy

Annoying this enemy too much makes him eventually drop the shield and chase you, at this point you can do actual damage with your attack. If you fail to do so, he will eat you.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Shield bash
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Burrowing Drake
Will chase the player and has a chance to burrow and appear from below to try to swallow the player. Not escaping at this point is instant game over. If above ground, he will try to eat the player normally. You can pet him to get a willing scene. A few animation transisions and struggle directions are buggy and can trap you in a loop
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Burst out of Ground
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ✔️ Petting the enemy has custom scenes
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Sap Sipper
Can jump high in the air in an attempt to land on top of the player, otherwise won't move. You can sometimes roll into the belly to have it topple over you and squish you under it. Will result in belly absorption scene.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Jump, Pounce, Grab
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ✔️ Petting the enemy has custom scenes
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ✔️ Enemy has vore other than OV, AV, CV

Waits for the player to be in eating range. The enemy is just a preview and you cannot do anything once swallowed.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Big Lady
This enemy is more like an interactive animation as you already start out in a captured state and can never get out of it. Just use the arrow keys to trigger various scenes. Note that some arrows are only shown very briefly in the animation cycle. The easiest way to trigger them is to hold down the key.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Will grab you if you stay next to him. You can pet him for a different scene, or attack him to make him chase you.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Grab, Stomp, Tail whip, Lunge
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ✔️ Petting the enemy has custom scenes
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Psychic Dracha
Tries to use magic to grab the player. Lots of custom struggle animation.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types
Annika and Antsu

Dynamic Duo
This enemy is two people that work together to get the player eaten. Avoiding that attack makes one of them eat the other by accident. Incomplete, and some vore scenes get you stuck.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Kick, Bite
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ✔️ Petting the enemy has custom scenes
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Kobold Hoarder
Completely invincible and only makes mediocre effort to eat the player. Will tease the player occasionally. Tries to use a hypnotic gaze if you avoid being eaten too often and then stay just out of reach. Will sit on you given the chance.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Bite, Hypnosis, Stomp, Tail whip
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ✔️ Enemy has AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Attacks and tries to eat the player by various means. Escaping some scenarios requires rapid tap of a given arrow key when indicated on screen. Full tour escape has a small minigame "RegenaEZ" is available if you don't like this behavior.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Stomp, Grab, Jump
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Version of "Regena" with less aggressive quick action requirements, otherwise identical.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Stomp, Grab, Jump
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Bounty Hunter
Getting too close to her face or tail gets you eaten. You can roll into her for additional content. Attacking repeatedly will eventually get you smacked hard.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Always vore
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Fairly mobile and aggressive. Vore is willing only. If you progress too far you will no longer be able to get out.
DownloadCreated by Serkular
Knife throw, Grab
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ✔️ Petting the enemy has custom scenes
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Golden Guardian
A recreation from an old Barbftr enemy. Will try to eat the player by grabbing him with its tongue, or stomping on him when too close. If you roll towards him he may open his mouth to make you roll inside of it. To escape you must first struggle vertically until he squeezes his belly, then you can struggle outwards,
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Stomp, Tongue grab
Additional information
- ✔️ Enemy is complete. Apart from an occasional bugfix it may not see further updates.
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Rotund Dragon
Will try to grab and eat the player. The swallow animation is fairly long, and the player can influence it with the arrow keys. Has a few incomplete animations and may invisibly attack you while appearing to be staying still. After being eaten you will be ejected outside again. The same enemy exists for Barbftr with CV instead of OV.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- ⭐ Enemy is invulnerable or will not die when HP is depleted
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked using attacks
- ✔️ Enemy can be stunlocked by petting
- ✔️ You can escape once eaten
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types
The Gryphon

Just a preview. You cannot really interact with it yet
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- ✔️ Enemy is passive. It will not actively seek out the player.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ❌ No OV
- ❌ No AV
- ❌ No CV
- ❌ No other vore types

Butt Wolf
Incomplete, being eaten leads to a dead end. Some animations are missing. Will grab the player given the chance. Can also sit on you for AV. If sitting and you're in front, you can roll into her to get an UB scene.
DownloadCreated by Alsnapz
Grab, Sit
Additional information
- ❌ Enemy is incomplete. It may still be in progress or is abandoned
- ❌ Enemy will not react to petting and lacks custom interactions.
- 💀 Enemy is hostile by default and will attack the player given the chance.
- 💀 Enemy will seek the player and actively tries to hurt/grab/eat. Note: Some enemies may fail to turn around when you roll through them.
- 💀 Enemy can die
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking using attacks
- ❌ Enemy resists stunlocking by petting
- 💀 Once eaten you cannot escape this enemy
- ✔️ Enemy has OV
- ✔️ Enemy has AV
- ❌ No CV
- ✔️ Enemy has vore other than OV, AV, CV