Blu's Barbftr

Blu's Barbftr screenshot

This is a different approach to the Ftr style games, and only two enemies exist. Rather than having a random assortment of enemies, you pick one on an info screen and fight it. Doing so would eventually unlock more enemies, but none were ever made beyond the two initiall ones. The game was put on hold indefinitely in 2016. This game has no petting mechanic, instead it's replaced with mana based attacks that are less likely to make enemies angry. Unique to this game is a mood meter that can change the enemy behavior. It's influenced by your behavior towards the enemy.

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Enemy list

2 Enemies in our database

Giant Bird

Screenshot of Giant Bird


Has multiple belly stages. Digestion speed varies with his mood


Created by BlutheLizard


Peck, Scratch

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Douglas Big Thunderfoot

Screenshot of Douglas Big Thunderfoot


Endlessly walks into one direction. An exclamation mark on the ground in front of him shows you where to stand to get eaten. Hitting him makes him angry and he eventually turns his walking into stomping that can damage the player. Will only do AV if you've made him happy or unhappy enough. CV is unlocked by getting eaten and pleasuring in the right directions. To trigger CV, walk directly in front of his member until the dino stops walking, then face the tip and wait.


Created by BlutheLizard



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